Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Sick sick sick sick sickety sick. Oy freakin’ vey. Since Thursday I have had a flu-like something or other and it has been attacking me. STOP IT FLU-LIKE THING! With the current situation at work I haven’t felt totally comfortable taking a sick day. On Friday, for example, I knew Executive Assistant wouldn’t be in, so Assistant Assistant would be doing EA’s job which meant AA wouldn’t be available to help My Boss if I took the day off. So, feverish as all hell, I trudged into work, hoping that if My Boss took one look at me she would send me straight back home. Not so much. So, I asked her if we could try to get everything done by 12 or 1 so I could take a half sick day. We finished everything promptly by the time she always leaves, 4:00. So, after a trip to Duane Reade for some Nyquil and other such hopeful remedies, I trudged back home. The BF came over and made me some chicken soup and we just stayed in…basically the whole weekend. It came to Monday morning and I was still not better. Again, I considered not coming in, but knew that My Boss was taking a vacation day and that Assistant Assistant would be out because she had “an event” (she runs a theatre company on Long Island, woo). So I trudged my more feverished ass to work, again. Now I had made an appointment with my new doctor for Monday for 2pm so I decided I would ask if I could just leave after that. Apparently, I looked worse than I even imagined. They all agreed wholeheartedly. I went to my new doctor, Dr. Hot Salt N Pepper. He gave me a little test that came back negative for the flu. He said it was apparent I did have something (DUH! swoon), so he gave me a prescription for some antibiotics, and suggested I get some blood work done, and sent me on my way. Now it is Tuesday and thanks to the first dosage of pills I am feeling better. I really should have taken today off, but alas the guilt o’erwhelmed me and I do feel better than I have. Anyhoo, hopefully the drugs will continue to batter Mr. Evil Flu-Like Thing and I will be tip top by Saturday for Darladiva’s party. Woot. Anyhooo, that’s the update for now. Thrilling, I know. So, doodle your best to doodle in this sickness filled wintery wonder doodle. Doodle!


GMEyster said...

Yay for hot docs and antibiotics! We have missed you.

Darla said...

I have been thinking happy thoughts about you to the point of getting others worried with me! HA!

I am glad to see you Doodle. I still have your European birthday gifts. I've had them for so long i'm worried anticipation has built and you'll be dissapointed.

You must be better by Saturday. Bring sweatpants and stay the night! lol

Darla said...

I forgot to mentioned i lol'd at (swoon)

Darla said...

it's sick how many times i come here and hit "refresh"