Friday, March 07, 2008

Because I am a stealer and I like pics

Darladiva listed her currents over on To the Left of Right, so I guess I will copy her because we are TWINS.

I am currently reading: The TNT Diet. It's good, but I just don't know if I can commit. I have gotten back on track with my online virtual trainer though. So that is good. Three months til BEACH TIME. As soon as/if I ever finish the diet book, I am going back to reading Dry. It is very good, but honestly, once he got to rehab, I kind of freaked out and put the book down. Ummmmm own demons much? Yeah. But I'll get back to it...sometime. Madame RK recommends it, but also has me nervous about some upcoming scenes. Anyhooooooo. I need to read these books so I can get started on the book I REALLY want to read which is Wicked Gentlemen. w00t? w00t.

Current music: Parodivas' new set for On the Rocks in TWO WEEKS:

We simply ADORE Danny Leary and his fantastic comedy show: He is our new BFF. Hey Danny Heeyyyyy.

My current guilty pleasure which has now been thwarted, is rooting and voting for another Danny. Danny Noriega on American Idol who was sadly booted from the show last night. But, I've decided he will front a glam rock band and I will become his biggest/oldest fan. YOU GO DANNY.

My current show I'm about to see is LUPONE gypsy. I am very excited. My new work friend Albie is going with me. w00000000000.



GMEyster said...

Have fun at GYPSY. I loved the onstage orchestra! And the woman playing Electra!

Darla said...

LUPONE! (gypsy)