Friday, March 23, 2007

You better post, bitch

Hewo. I am feeling better today. The ignoring of the cold seems to have worked, somehow. Yay! Last night started off as a major challenge. I had an espresso around 5:40 or so to get me pumped for the three hours of rehearsal before me. I was just so tired yesterday, I didn't know how I was going to muster any sort of energy. I'm runnin' on empty these days. So, by the time I got to the Players Theatre in the West Village, where we're rehearsing, I was obliterated. The coffee had long since worn off and my body was shutting down, ready for bed. About two minutes after that it was time to start blocking. Wow. It's kind of blurry between then and about an hour into it, but I got my 93rd wind and was suddenly having a grand time in the drunken lesbian wicca scene. Ahh thee ay ter. Then we blocked a very touching moment with my hot boyfriend. Mm mm. Then I ran home like it was the end of the world so I could eat something and GO TO BED. I woke up feeling much better than yesterday and pleased with rehearsal last night. Tonight we finish blocking the show and then tomorrow we will begin running it. I HAVE TO MEMORIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZE! When am I supposed to do that? I'm always rehearsing. I have to memorize during rehearsal? I guess that's not so preposterous. I might see Myster Ian's show tomorrow night. Hmm. Then, the cleaning lady is coming Sunday. I'm going to let her in, go to the gym, come back, see how she did, and then head off to my brunch date with the best bitches on the planet, including my second true love (second only to vodka) Cricket! He doesn't have to teach Sunday night, so he can brunch. And I don't have rehearsal. YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAAYYAAYYYYYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAY. Is it Sunday yet???


Darla said...

I should really curse more. Fuck! There.

Brrrrunch! Cash only non-unlimited brunch sort of makes me cry monkey tears, but you bitches is wurf it, yo.

GMEyster said...

I am so honored to be referred to as 'one of the best bitches on the planet'

*tearing up* I f*cking love you guys!

Macoosh said...

are you really getting a cleaning lady? how new york of you.

sigh...i used to be a cleaning lady in ny. oohhh the horror stories i could tell...

Knight said...

I can't wait to brunch! I was going to write I fucking love you guys but I see Gwen beat me to it. Ha.